The Toxins: Why Can't I Drink Alcohol Anymore Without Feeling Sick?

Adverse reactions from drinking have been plaguing mankind for literally thousands of years. If you're asking yourself, "why can't I drink alcohol anymore without feeling sick?" you're certainly not alone. The physical process of making alcohol through distillation or fermentation creates toxins that can trigger intolerance, sensitivity, or allergic reactions after just 1 sip. For example, histamines in wine can lead to headaches, flushing, and nausea. ALKAA simply captures these toxins through adsorption and reduces the total amount so your body can deal with them.

What are they and why do they cause so many problems?

This page is dedicated to helping you understand more about what is in your drink.

the toxin report:


Acetaldehyde is a congener, or a byproduct that occurs from the distilling or fermenting process. Acetaldehyde, along with tannins, furfuryl, esters, methanol, and fusel oil are also congeners, but we are going to focus on acetaldehyde specifically. These substances are responsible for some of the taste, aroma, and color of alcoholic beverages. Acetaldehyde is also found in some foods, although in amounts small enough for the body to break down. These foods include yogurt, green tea and fruits like grapefruit, apricots, mango, pears, and strawberries.
They stimulate the body to release stress hormones like epinephrine which cause inflammatory responses in the body that lead to fatigue and other intense hangover symptoms. Not all congeners are created equal, and some are more likely to cause headaches and hangovers than others. Darker alcohols such as red wine, brandy, and whiskey, tend to have higher levels of congeners than lighter alcohols such as vodka, gin, and white wine. This is why some people report experiencing worse hangovers after drinking darker alcohols.

SIDE EFFECTS & INTOLERANCE SYMPTOMS: intense hangovers, fatigue, severe next day headaches, flushing, increased skin temperature, weakness, muscle aches, dry mouth and nausea.

HIGH CONGENERS: Bourbon, Scotch Whisky, World Whiskeys, Red Wine, Brandy, Tequila, Dark Beer, Stouts, Dark Rum.

LOW CONGENERS: Vodka, Gin, Light Rum, Light Beer, Lagers, White Wine, Champagne

ALKAA EFFECT: Alkaas ingredients target and absorb acetaldehyde in all alcoholic beverages and greatly reduce (or eliminate completely) the side effects caused by it. It does this before you even take your first sip, unlike many other products that are ingested before or after you drink with the promise of helping the body break down acetaldehyde more efficiently. We recommend a minimum soak time of 5 minutes for the alkaa sachet to adsorb these harmful components.

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ALKAA sachet hangover prevention and cure with tag. Side view. Alcohol intolerance prevention

the toxin report:


Histamines are chemicals found in some of the body's cells that cause many of the symptoms of allergies, such as a runny nose or sneezing. When a person is allergic to a particular substance, such as a food or dust, the immune system mistakenly believes that this usually harmless substance is harmful to the body. Drinking wine and other types of alcohol can trigger migraines (sometimes called "wine headaches") in people, possibly because of the histamine levels contained in some alcoholic beverages. Histamines in wine, beer, and liquor are produced by yeast and bacteria during the fermentation process.

SIDE EFFECTS & INTOLERANCE SYMPTOMS: headache, migraines, itchy skin, redness, red/hot face, congestion, migraine, breathing trouble, diarrhea, stomach pain, skin irritation.

HIGH HISTAMINE: Red Wine, Beer, Champagnes beer

LOW HISTAMINE: Tequila, Rum, Vodka, Gin, White wine

ALKAA EFFECT: ALKAA sachets significantly reduce the amount of histamines in your alcoholic beverage thus allowing you to enjoy without triggering a histamine response in your body.  Give alkaa 5 minutes and enjoy your drink side-effect free.

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The toxin report:


Sulfites are chemical compounds (sulphur dioxide) that occur naturally in certain ingredients used to make alcoholic drinks. Naturally occurring sulfites are antimicrobial agents produced as a byproduct of yeast metabolism during the fermentation process. Almost all wine contains natural sulfites. Sulfites (added by the vinter) during the winemaking process preserve freshness, prevent the growth of bacteria, and help keep the wine from turning brown. They have been used for centuries as a food preservative and have been added to wines since the 1800’s. Sulfites are also found in bottled lemon and lime juice, grape juice, molasses, some dried fruits and sauerkraut.

Sulfites in wine are heavily regulated and any wine that contains more than 10 parts per million (PPM) must display on the label the words: contains sulfites. Most wines range between 50-150 PPM for sulfites. White wine usually contain more sulfites than red wine, and lower-quality wines in most cases contain more sulfites than higher-quality wines.

SIDE EFFECTS & INTOLERANCE SYMPTOMS: itchy skin, red blotches, flushing, rashes, hives, diarrhea, stomach cramps, nausea, wheezing, difficulty breathing, coughing, chest tightness, anxiety, weakness. Sulfites are known to exacerbate asthma symptoms in people with asthma.

HIGH SULFITES: Beer, Red wine, White wine, brown liquor, ciders

LOW SULFITES: Sake, Vodka, Gin, Lite Beers, Organic wine (naturally occurring sulfites only)

ALKAA EFFECT: Alkaa significantly reduces the amount of sulfites in wine, beer and ciders. Give Alkaa 5 minutes steep time and you will live happily ever Alkaa. NOTE: exceeding 5 minutes will extract enough tannins to affect the taste of your wine. We recommend a maximum 5 minute steep time.

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the toxin report:


Tyramine is a naturally occurring amino acid that is found in many foods including smoked or processed meats such as hot dogs, bacon, corned beef, and smoked fish. It is also in pickled or fermented foods such as sauerkraut, kimchi, aged cheese, chocolate, tofu, miso, and soy sauce. Some alcoholic beverages, particularly those that are aged or fermented, can contain high levels of tyramine due to the natural fermentation process.
High levels of tyramine can cause blood vessels to tighten, which increases blood pressure. Tyramine may trigger headaches in migraineurs by facilitating a chain reaction which results in selective cerebral vasoconstriction followed by rebound dilation of the cranial vessels (the most common cause of the throbbing headache pain).

SIDE EFFECTS & INTOLERANCE SYMPTOMS: headaches, migraine headaches, nausea, sweating, rapid heart rate, chest pain, shortness of breath.

HIGH TYRAMINE: Barley Beer, White wine, Vermouth, Sherry, Soy Sauce, Worcestershire Sauce

LOW TYRAMINE: Red wine, Vodka, whiskey, Wheat Beer, Ciders

ALKAA EFFECT: Alkaas ingredients specifically target and capture tyramines in your beverage thus reducing the harmful side effects in people with alcohol intolerance issues. Remember that Alkaa can reduce the Tyramine load in Soy Sauce and Worcestershire sauce, too. Give Alkaa 5 minutes to reduce the tyramine levels in your beverage or condiment.

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the toxin report


Tannins are naturally occurring chemical compounds, known as polyphenols, found in many plants. In grapes, these compounds are found in the skin, seeds, and stems. They act as a defense mechanism against animals and insects. When it comes to aging wines, tannins can be imparted by wood barrels. Tannins provide the unique texture and mouthfeel to wine because they bind with the protein in saliva creating that characteristic astringent (think bitter), mouth-coating sensation. Tannins can feel soft and velvety all the way to grainy and chalky. Coffee, Tea, dark chocolate, nuts, and many fruits also contain tannins.

There are many benefits to tannins, too. Many classes of tannins have antioxidant properties, which have been found to lower total cholesterol, lower blood pressure and stimulate the immune system. They also have antibacterial properties that, among other things, fight tooth decay.

SIDE EFFECTS & INTOLERANCE SYMPTOMS: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, bowel irritation, runny nose, rash, hives, itching, stomachache, headaches, migraines, shortness of breath, swelling of lips, mouth or throat.

HIGH TANNIN ALCOHOLS: Red wines (Cabernet Sauvignon, Malbec, Syrah), Blanco tequila,

LOW TANNIN ALCOHOLS: White wines, Beer, Whiskey, Barrel aged alcohols (from oak casks)

OTHER LIQUIDS WITH TANNINS: Coffee, Black Tea, Green Tea

ALKAA EFFECT: Alkaa does not completely remove tannins from the alcohol, but rather reduces the amount so you do not suffer from the side effects. Alkaa does not change the taste, ph balance, alcohol content, or color.

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Two glasses of wine in front of a fire place where they ALKAA sachets are removing the problematic elements in alcohol.

the toxin report:


Quercetin belongs to a group of plant pigments called flavonoids that give many fruits their colors.  It’s found in many foods, such as red wine, onions, green tea, apples, and berries. Quercetin is a natural antioxidant and has anti-inflammatory effects. Quercetin may improve inflammation, blood pressure, exercise performance, and blood sugar management.  Flavonoids, such as quercetin, are antioxidants.  They can scavenge particles in the body known as free radicals.

SIDE EFFECTS & INTOLERANCE SYMPTOMS: headaches, upset stomach

HIGH QUERCETIN ALCOHOLS: Red wines (Cabernet Sauvignon, Malbec, Syrah).  Levels vary dramatically depending on the amount of sunlight that the grapes are exposed to prior to harvest.


 OTHER FOODS WITH QUERCETIN:  Onions, Green Tea, Apples, Kale, Seeds, Capers

 ALKAA EFFECT: Alkaa does not completely remove the
quercetin from the alcohol, but rather reduces the amount so you do not suffer from the side effects.  Give ALKAA 5 minutes to reduce the amount of quercetin and acetaldehyde in your red wines, especially Napa Cabernets. Alkaa does not change the taste, ph balance, alcohol content, or color of your wine.

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Tagged Sachet

the toxin report:


Phenylethylamine is found in a few food sources including chocolate, cheese, soy sauce, and red wine, and is an essential amino acid involved in creating brain signaling molecules such as dopamine, and epinephrine (adrenaline). As such, it produces effects of increased mood, focus, and energy. A good way to increase your natural phenethylamine is to eat food that is high in protein and exercise.

SIDE EFFECTS & INTOLERANCE SYMPTOMS: headaches, anxiety, rapid heart rate, overstimulation


LOW PHENYLETHYLAMINE: White wines, beer.

OTHER FOODS WITH PHENYLETHYLAMINE: Chocolate, soy sauce, cheese, beef, pork, tofu, and nuts.

ALKAA EFFECT: Alkaa does not completely remove the phenylethylamine from the alcohol, but rather reduces the amount so you do not suffer from the side effects. Give ALKAA 5 minutes to reduce the amount of phenylethylamine and acetaldehyde in your red wines.

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"Wine nights & joyful more dreadful morning headache". - T.B.

Your Questions About Toxins In Alcohol Answered

Does tequila have histamines?

Yes, tequila can contain histamines, although the levels vary depending on the production process and aging. If you experience histamine-related reactions after drinking tequila, ALKAA may be able to help reduce those symptoms.

Does gin have histamines?

Gin generally has low levels of histamines, but some brands may contain trace amounts depending on the botanicals used and the distillation process. If you're sensitive to histamines, it's still possible to experience reactions, and ALKAA may help reduce those.

Does wine have histamines?

Wine, particularly red wine, is known to contain higher levels of histamines compared to other alcoholic beverages. Histamines in wine are due to the fermentation process and the presence of grape skins. If you find yourself experiencing histamine-related symptoms after drinking wine, ALKAA can be an effective tool to minimize those effects.