ALKAA: To Begin

ALKAA:  To Begin
Welcome to ALKAA!
We are Paul and Sara. We’ve been married for 28 years and recently transplanted from Washington State to New York. Once we landed in New York, we had a couple months of Covid lockdown and we spent a lot of it learning about how we could reduce the negative side effects we were experiencing when drinking alcohol. 

Now, I know what you’re thinking… 

Don’t drink so much and you won’t feel terrible. Au contraire mon frère. We were having symptoms after just one drink and usually we would feel the effects before the drink was finished. 

In my case, my face would feel like it was on fire and it would turn red and feel hot to the touch. This lasted a couple hours. I would also feel incredible fatigue. 

For Paul, the symptoms were much worse. Sweating, pounding headaches, and even migraines would last for hours and into the next day. This would happen from just one drink! So, not a hangover, but definitely hangover-like symptoms. 

After Paul created a recipe, he put it in a tea bag and tested it out by putting it in his drink. After a few iterations, it really seemed like he had something. Soon, friends were asking what he was doing putting a tea bag in his drink. So, he started making some. He purchased a serger and sewed some fabric sachets together to give out to those who also felt terrible after drinking even a small amount of alcohol. 

The Juki Serger Machine!

When we started hearing back from people who had tried it, we talked about what it would take to bring it to market. Legit testing. Protecting the recipe. Production. The to-do list would sometimes feel overwhelming and yet things seemed to be moving faster than we anticipated. 

Sachets: fancy for "tea bags"

Messages with positive experiences would bolster us up and renew our excitement each time we heard that the “tea bag” was working and people were enjoying alcohol again. This issue seemed to be one that way more people deal with than we had previously realized. Maybe that’s something you or a someone you know has dealt with, too. 

Soon we needed a name. Everyone seemed to have an idea. This was such a creative part of the process and it’s so funny now to look back at some of the ideas… Imbibish, Porcelon, Drinking Buddy, Winesorb, Absorbinator. Hilarious. For good or for bad, we settled on ALKAA.

ALKAA is the Finnish word for ‘to begin” and that’s what we felt like we were doing. Beginning something exciting and new.

It also makes sense because in order for ALKAA to work effectively you need to use it from your first sip to your last. So, if you forget to treat your first drink with a sachet, you won’t really feel as good as you could have if you began using it from the start. Get it? Well, it made sense to us and now it’s trademarked so we are sticking with it. 

R&D in New York City

With this blog we hope to take you on a few adventures and also provide some education on how alcohol affects the body and why drinking in moderation and using ALKAA will help your health. 

We are so happy you’ve found ALKAA. Thank you for reading and following our journey. 


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