The merriment of social gatherings and celebrations often involves a glass of your favorite alcoholic beverage. Wine, beer, spirits, and cocktails enhance such occasions. However, the morning-after discomfort of hangovers and the unwelcome symptoms of alcohol intolerance can cast a shadow on the festivities. In this blog post we touch on a few practical strategies that can help you enjoy your drinks while minimizing (or eliminating) the aftermath.
Understanding the Culprits
Before we jump into the solutions, let's briefly explore why hangovers and intolerance occur in the first place. Hangovers are primarily caused by the toxic substances in alcoholic drinks. These include:
- Congeners: These are natural byproducts of the fermentation and distillation process, found in higher quantities in darker beverages like red wine, whiskey, and brandy.
- Acetaldehyde: This toxic compound is produced when alcohol is metabolized in the liver. It contributes to the headache, nausea, and fatigue commonly associated with hangovers.
- Tannins: Tannins are naturally occurring chemical compounds that provide a distinctive mouthfeel in wine especially. They have the potential to trigger the release of histamine in the body.
- Sulfites: Used as preservatives in certain alcoholic drinks, sulfites can trigger intolerance symptoms such as hives, and difficulty breathing in sensitive individuals.
- Tyramine: A naturally occurring substance found in various foods, especially aged or fermented foods and alcohols. It can lead to an increased release of norepinephrine, potentially causing a rise in blood pressure.
These constituents are found in all alcohols to a varying degree. For instance, vodka and gin typically have fewer congeners than their darker counterparts like rum or whiskey. We will be providing more information on this in future blog posts.
ALKAA sachets target and capture these and other toxins in just 5 minutes. Drop the sachet in your drink, swirl or move it around so the alcohol can pass through the tea bag and then enjoy. See our FAQ's for more information on reusing the sachet.
Staying Hydrated Helps
Hydration helps but only to a certain extent. As you know, water is crucial to staying at the top of our game and even slight dehydration can cause a myriad of issues. Alcohol has a diuretic effect, causing increased urination and dehydration. You can combat this by drinking a balanced amount of water when drinking any alcoholic beverage. A good rule of thumb is to have 8 ounces of water for every alcoholic beverage. Before bedtime, drink another glass to ensure your body stays hydrated through the night.
Watch your Sugar Intake
When you consume sugary foods blood sugar levels can spike quickly, leading to a surge in insulin production to regulate sugar levels. Alcohol can also affect blood sugar levels, causing them to drop. The rapid fluctuations in blood sugar levels caused by consuming both alcohol and sugary foods can potentially trigger headaches in sensitive individuals.
It's important to note that not everyone will experience headaches from consuming alcohol and sugary foods together. However, if you find that this combination consistently leads to headaches for you, it might be worth experimenting with different dietary choices or moderating your consumption of both alcohol and sugary foods to see if it alleviates the issue. This was a gamechanger for me. Now that I know I cannot mix the two, I lean toward non sugary foods. Let us know if you notice any changes!
The ALKAA Effect
ALKAA reduces the toxin load in your drink. This gives you the opportunity to drink without the usual pain or side effects. ALKAA is designed to reduce or eliminate the symptoms of alcohol intolerance including:
- Flushed skin
- Rapid heartbeat
- Rapid onset fatigue
- Sweating
- "Cocktail" headaches (headaches that occur soon after drinking)
- Congestion and stuffy nose
- Body aches, especially back/neck
- Heartburn or acid reflux
- Nausea
Trust us when we say that these 5 minutes are 100% worth it. Set your timer and realize how amazing it is to feel amazing while drinking. Having a drink and being able to enjoy the evening and the next morning was something I was never able to before I came up with ALKAA. Waking up the next morning and not paying the price for having a beer is a game changer!
Alcohol by its nature contains toxins that are byproducts of the distillation and fermentation process. These toxins affect your body and mind. Moderate hydration, low sugar intake while drinking, and utilizing an ALKAA sachet can help you enjoy any type of alcohol without hangovers or other side effects. By adopting these suggestions you can enjoy your favorite drinks without the consequences. Here's to a brighter day, a stress-free evening, and a more enjoyable tomorrow!